Just follow this program to become one of the first eye care professionals in the world to accurately diagnose Dyslexia … so you can increasing your impact, change children’s lives, provide much needed support to parents and teachers and increase your income.

And the best part…

This is a great opportunity to learn how to make all these dreams come true with one single solution.


Dear Colleges

If you have ever dreamed of being more than just a refractionist, more than just a spectacle supplier, and finding yourself wishing that you can have a bigger impact then this course is for you!

As an Eye Care Provider myself I could not believe the joy I experienced the first time I was able to give a child hope that actually meant something.  Not just a promise that wasn’t reachable, but an actual tangible, reachable goal that have changed so many lives of the kids I have served.

Learning Disabilities have a huge impact on the whole family – mothers, fathers and children alike, and I have experienced first hand how devastating it can be.

This system provides a solution to everyone involved!

It helps the parent understand their child better, allowing them to provide better support and resources for learning.

It helps the teacher and school provide much needed aids and time support, placing less pressure on a child.

And most importantly, it allows the child to understand themselves better, getting rid of the belief of being “dumb” and “incapable” of learning, giving them so much hope for a brighter future.

Come and join me in being the difference in the world.  There is a lot of children that need help and not nearly enough professionals to help them.

Be one of the SuperHero’s in Dyslexia Management.


See you on the other side


What this Course will Teach you:

  • Module 1 – Introduction to Dyslexia and it’s enormous benefits in the world today.
  • Module 2 – Reading and the Brain; how the process works neurologically.
  • Module 3 – Visually deaf, Auditory Blind – the phenomenon where dyslexics can see or sound words like others can.
  • Module 4 – Diagnosing Dyslexia
  • Module 5 – The dyslexia Screening test and Phonetics
  • Module 6 – The dyslexia determination test
  • Module 7 – Case studies
  • Module 8 – The internship program (remote) and reporting protocols
  • Module 9 – The Adult Dyslexia assessment
  • Module 10 – The junior Dyslexia Assessment
  • Module 11 – Accommodations for Dyslexic Learners

The Course Structure:

  • This course consists of eleven modules which need to be completed within 5 weeks from date of registration.
  • Each lesson is followed by a quiz with a pass mark of 80%. You will not be granted access to the next lesson until you successfully complete the quiz.
  • Module 8 is a comprehensive assessment in the form of case studies.
  • On completion of the theory you are required to complete a remote internship program before being licensed as a SGDA professional.

Listen to what parents have to say about this system and how it has impacted the lives of their children and families as a whole:

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