SGDA Dyslexia Training
Course for Professionals
The following professionals are allowed to take this course: Optometrists, Audiologists, Speech therapists, Psychologists & psychometrists. Once successfully completed professionals may offer services in screening and diagnosing specific learning disorders.
Registration Fee: $987 per delegate
Duration: 16 hours
You'll only have access to the training modules for 5 weeks after registration, so make sure you watch all of them and complete each quiz before that time ends!
Course Outline & Internship
- Study Buddy
- Quiz
- Introduction
- Is Reading Natural?
- What is Dyslexia?
- Difficulties of Dyslexia
- ADHD & Dyslexia
- A Disguised Blessing
- Famous Dyslexics
- Introduction
- Reading Brain
- Mysteries of the Brain
- How the Brain Works
- Brain Learns to Read
- What is Dyslexia?
- Biological Bases of Dyslexia
- Problems in Learning to Read
- How Skilled Readers Recognize Words
- The Science of Reading
- Can You Read This?
- Summary
- References
- Introduction
- Right vs Left Brain
- Neuroanatomical Model of Dyslexia
- Word decoding
- Physiology of Reading
- Inner Speech
- Visually Deaf
- Auditory Blind
- Picture Thinkers
- Trigger Words
- Internal Speech Exercises
- Introduction
- Diagnostic Labels
- Dyslexia is a Multidisciplinary Disorder
- Specific Learning Disorders
- Protocol to Diagnosing Dyslexia
- Direct Diagnosis
- The Basic Types of Dyslexia
- Dyseidesia
- Dysphonesia
- Dysnemkinesia
- Mixed Types of Dyslexia
- SGDA Terminology
- Outlay of SGDA Assessment
- Introduction
- The Procedure
- Decoding
- Encoding
- English Phonetic Equivalents
- Afrikaans Phonetic Equivalents
- Phonetic Encoding
- DST Case Studies
- Introduction
- Dysnemkinesia (Motoric Dyslexia) Testing
- Decoding Time Criteria
- Eidetic Decoding Forms
- Mode of Decoding
- Eidetic Encoding
- Case Studies
- Summary DST & DDT
- This Is Me Heroes
- Assignments
- Dyslexia Screening Test
- Dyslexia Termination Test
- Case Studies
- Internship Process & Program
- Marketing SGDA Assessments Process
- The Report
- Introduction & Explination
- Adult Assessment
- Summary
- Introduction
- Facts about Dyslexia
- Signs of Dyslexia
- Difficulties & Strengths in School
- 7 Myths About Dyslexia
- Outlay of the SGJDA Assessment
- 30 Questions Asked to Parents
- Visual Perception & Examination
- Visual Spatial Relations
- Eidetic Decoding
- Phonological Awareness Skills Test
- Introduction
- What should be done?
- Department of Basic Education
- Disability and/or Inability
- Choosing a Dyslexia Friendly School
- 14 Things never to say to Parents Of Dyslexic Child
- Effective Education
- Conduct Policy & SIAS Policy
- Accommodations, Exemptions & Concessions
- Assistive Techology
- Trever Ncube’s Story
Important Information:
Steps to completing the SGDA Professional Course and Internship
You can expect a intense and immersive experience with this course. You’ll have access to 12 training modules, during which you must watch each presentations as complete the quiz (pass rate = 80%) before you proceed to the next presentation.
The Internship Program is compulsory to complete your SGDA qualification. You need to administer four (4) consecutive assessments, preferably on family members or friends. These internship tests should be submitted to SGDA Head Office for scoring directly after completion to subsequently address errors and prevent replicating them in future testing sessions.
Once these 4 internship assessments have been successfully completed, you register as a SGDA Professional and become part of the SGDA family and referral directory.
You are required to purchase a Stark Griffin dyslexia assessment package within 6 months of completing the course and receiving certification. A full version in either English or Afrikaans is available for those who want it, and half-packages are available for some alternative language. More information about this will be provided on the completion of the Internship stage.
The recommended cost of a SGDA DYSLEXIA done by a Registered Professional is $ 2 500.
This amount includes $50 to SGDA head office for marking and report generation as well as $50 per copy of the book: Help! My Child has been diagnosed with Dyslexia. These books are available in English and Afrikaans. During comprehensive feedback sessions, parents should receive a copy of this book to enhance their understanding of this Specific Learning Disorder, called DYSLEXIA.
ICD 10 code = R 48.