For centuries professionals have been querying the phenomenon of a scholar who may have normal sensory, perceptual, cognitive and motor abilities, and yet have marked difficulties decoding (reading) and encoding (writing) the written language. Parents of these children recognize their child’s adequate inherent intelligence but are puzzled as to why there is a problem with reading, writing and spelling. This paradoxical phenomenon is known as dyslexia, also referred to as a Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) in the DSM V.
For centuries professionals have been querying the phenomenon of a scholar who may have normal sensory, perceptual, cognitive and motor abilities, and yet have marked difficulties decoding (reading) and encoding (writing) the written language. Parents of these children recognize their child’s adequate inherent intelligence but are puzzled as to why there is a problem with reading, writing and spelling. This paradoxical phenomenon is known as dyslexia, also referred to as a Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) in the DSM V.